Our Differentiators

OUR DIFFERENTIATORS Are our competitive advantage


The Cornerstone competitive advantage can be broken down into two distinct differentiators that we consider the building blocks of our firm. Comprehensively supporting our clients is at the foundation of all our actions. We believe the client experience is of utmost importance and we take it seriously. We have created a client journey map that helps us connect the dots between different touchpoints of the claim’s life cycle for our clients. Our company’s culture is designed to stay laser-focused on client support to deliver best-in-class service because our clients are our greatest asset. Understanding our client’s industry regarding a settlement, their concerns, and needs is what fuels us. Client service excellence starts with listening, as we learn more about every settlement by paying attention to our clients. From there it goes on to support their settlement needs, responsiveness to their concerns, and satisfaction with their recovery. When you understand what drives your clients it reconfigures how you drive your business.


WHY WE DO IT: Everything we do is rooted in a genuine understanding that the client is at the pinnacle of all our actions. Therefore, supporting and advantaging our clients interests in their settlement recovery is paramount to our approach. Our success is directly tied to our client’s satisfaction.


HOW WE DO IT: Our experience has taught us that one of the most critical drivers of success is a truly collaborative and open approach to our work and keeping a mindset of performing these tasks in a timely manner. Our teams work in conjunction and perform a lot of research to source knowledge which also includes carefully listening to what our clients share about their experiences leading up to becoming claimants. We apply all this knowledge and more. A satisfied client comes from properly and promptly applying the experience we have and the knowledge we glean. This perspective is one of the hallmarks of our work, and we bring this to each of our client relationships, and we go farther because we provide:


THE RESULT: By listening, supporting, communicating, and promptly responding we build enduring relationships with clients that allow us to build better settlement recoveries for them.



Cornerstone’s innovation comes through ideas in many forms and we believe in turning good ideas into solutions that add value to our processes and our client’s bottom line. Ultimately, innovation is about staying relevant. The Antitrust Class Action space is heading towards unprecedented change in the number of cases that settle yearly and how the Claims Administrators and Courts process these cases. As a result, what may have aided Antitrust Settlement companies to be successful in the past could potentially be the cause of their failure in the future. Cornerstone believes in the need to adapt and evolve to meet the changing needs of the Antitrust Settlement landscape. Our innovations may come from redefining workflows, building better technology, new approaches to managing the claims filing process, implementing better client services strategies, building on infrastructure, new methodologies in sourcing client data, and more. Ideas that are novel and useful are only as good as their application. It only becomes true innovation when our ideas are applied and scaled.

Ideas that are turned into solutions that can be created and plugged into our workflows and infrastructure aid our company’s performance. Ideas that we implement help to build an evolving and enduring firm that benefits our client’s bottom line.


HOW WE DO IT: Part of the collaborative approach to our work is about keeping an open dialogue of ideas that benefits our company and clients. Framing the challenges correctly is a critical key to innovation and with that comes investing in the execution of that idea. Any idea that brings value must have a required level of support behind it to make it happen. It doesn’t happen by dialogue alone. We believe in looking at innovation as a rough idea that we refine, apply a budget to, experiment with, and finally implement as a real solution that has value.


THE RESULT: By implementing our best ideas we stay relevant and competitive in the Antitrust Class Action Settlements market. It empowers us to stay at the forefront of our industry, build stronger teams, and solve critical problems, and ultimately it enables us to produce optimal recoveries for our clients.

“Innovation Distinguishes Between A Leader And A Follower” – Steve Jobs